Monday, August 31, 2009

Highlights from China...

We're just back from our fabulous camping trip to Blue Mound State Park in Wisconsin. I'm working on loading the pictures. I'm hoping there are some good ones to post...

Below are more pictures from our China trip in 2008. I like this picture of the Great Wall taken through the stone window...
Gotta love this happy-go-lucky Buddha! There were a number of Buddha's carved into the rock that were just amazing! One day I will post all of them...
I took this picture of the freighters when we were in Shanghai. I thought it turned out great... The old boats are pretty neat with the Chinese flag on the front. It turned out really crisp and clear considering we were pretty far away...
These pictures are from a temple/shrine in China. My husband is standing in the middle of this picture... he blends in so well that you can hardly see him... like a ghost:) Pretty neat pic... The Buddha carved in stone above is from this same temple... Amazing!
It was interesting to see grafitti on the bamboo trees at this amazing site. I'd love to get someone who speaks the language to interpret what it says...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Images from the lovely islands of Trinidad and Tobago...

A beautiful blubird on the chair at our breakfast table in Tabago... so pretty!

Trinidad has the most amazing sunsets you have ever seen... each night the colors vary from pinks and purples to greens to orange etc... So beautiful! I'm going to search out the best ones for a post on another day... stay tuned for that!! :)

This was taken late afternoon after a rain shower... the green in the sky is so unusual...
We took this awesome picture at the Hyatt Hotel in Port of Spain, Trinidad. This hotel was the most amazing place with a view that would take your breath away... floor to ceiling windows in the rooms and an infinity pool that overlooked the Caribbean Sea... was just incredible!

Don't those beers look tasty?? They were...
This little guy/gal was hanging out on the side of the road in Tobago... aren't the colors of the rooster just amazing against the backdrop of the wall... loved this picture so much I made it my blog icon!
This was our coconut water guy... sounds gross, right?? It definitely wasn't my thing...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vianden, Luxembourg... simply charming!!

This is the picturesque town of Vianden, Luxembourg. I had absolutely no idea how amazingly beautiful Luxembourg is. It's also the cleanest place I've ever been to... even the gas station bathrooms are pristine... unbelievable!

Ok, I promise I will start adding more than travel pics to my blog... I'd love to get some more dialog going so people will start commenting, however the travel pics will be the central focus of this blog since traveling is my absolute favorite thing to do:) I have two camping trips coming up so I look forward to taking some scenic pictures in the woods of Wisconsin...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Faces of China...

I love these pictures! We took these as we toured the Grand Canal in Suzhou, China last year... the children are just adorable...
How cute is this little guy??? He was so happy!

Quite the opposite with this man... he was not very happy at all, in fact he was spitting at people. We thought his face was oozing with charater so we asked for a picture...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

French architecture...

These pictures were taken in Nancy and Beaune, France. I was so blown away at how amazingly beautiful these buildings were. They're so old and distressed yet incredibly chic at the same time. I can't wait to go back!!
This cottage was really quaint and romantic! The flowers add amazing color... I love the flower pot in the hole towards the bottom of the wall... just so beautiful! I was hoping it was a B&B and not someone's home. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Doors of France...

If you look closely through these doors you can see a vineyard in the champagne region of France... breathtakingly beautiful!!
Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims, France...
This is me strolling down the street in Beaune, France... other than the construction cones I love the pic... I need to learn photoshop to get them out of there :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hiking Croagh Patrick in Ireland on our honeymoon... ahhh... so amazing!

Paul had a stare-down with this lovely goat... from what I understand goats can be mean... I'm glad we got the picture without an attack!!
These amazing pictures are from our honeymoon in Ireland... We flew into Amsterdam and then did a road-trip through Luxembourg, the Champagne region of France, Belgium (Brugge and Gent) and then back to Amsterdam and over to Ireland. It was fabulous!! I will start posting pics from the other countries over the next few days.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A colorful flower market in Amsterdam... gorgeous!

This flower market wouldn't allow pictures in the market so we took them from accross the street... great zoom!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009